Life Plan

Introduction After high school I plan to attend community college and plan on working a few hours. I do not want to work a lot of hours because I do not want to be overwhelmed with school and work. I will be living at home…

Health Fair Blog Post

Reflection What I took from this project was knowing how insomnia affects people of all ages differently. It mostly affects teen because of school, homework, work if they do have work, sports if the play sports and because they have a hard time falling asleep….

How to Run the Mile

Intro The mile is an event in high school track that only distance runners run. For those of you who are wondering what track&field is track and field is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of running, jumping, and throwing. The…


 The issue we are choosing is about certain stereotypes about the Islamic people, like that all Muslims are terrorists or will bomb a school or that they will shoot up a mall or airport, when in reality the Islamic culture teaches peace and goodwill towards…

Helpful Math Concept

A Math Concept That Helps Me In The Near Future A math concept I have learned this year was  the taxes and under what category falls into which. The income tax is however much you earn a year and you get taxed for earning whatever…

Running part 3: Cross Country/ Track

Reason why I wanted to run Cross Country season is coming to an end of my senior season I look back at what I have accomplished in running throughout high school. I look back at why I wanted to run in the first place and…

Running Part 2: Cross Country

Cross Country There are many sports that have to do with running but nothing compares to running cross country and track, which is what I do. Here is a little insight on cross country. Cross Country is a sport involved with lots of running because…

Running Part 1

Why Run? Running is not just a form of exercise. To many of you it may seem like it is a form of exercise but for an athlete it is not. An athlete understands that running, in many ways, can be a way to escape…

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness means living within your means to manage your finances for the short and long term. When learning to finance the money you earn you have to be careful on what you are spending because some of the money you make yes you can…

Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness means to have a positive attitude a high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize & share a wide range of feeling in a constructive way. Every individual is good at hiding there emotions, but not every emotion should…